Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Oui Paris!

At the Lourve!

Today is my one full day in Paris and its been a pretty packed one. This morning I had a great breakfast at my hotel and then headed over to the Lourve. It was raining when I left my hotel so it was nice that I could spend a few hours inside the almost overwhelmingly large museum. I didn't know where to start! I pretty much just went to the rooms where the most famous paintings are and looked for the crowds that formed around those works of art.

When I left the Lourve the rain had turned to a solid snow fall but it wasn't bad enough that I couldn't walk, so I started walking to Notre Dame. Once I got to the neighborhood where Notre Dame is, the snow started picking up more and it was time for lunch anyway so I had a huge pasta lunch. After lunch I browsed through the Shakespeare and Company Bookstore for a couple of hours.

Once I was finished looking through stacks of new and used books, I decided I wanted to go back to my hotel to rest for a few minutes. It took a while to find the train and the roads were grid-locked because of the snow so the bus was not an option. I eventually got back and rested until it got dark out so that I could go to the Eiffel Tower when its lit up. I walked over to the Eiffel Tower but it was closed for going to the top because of the snow. Instead I just walked around the area and took a few pictures. It was freezing cold anyway so I didn't mind just going back indoors. On the way back to my hotel I picked up a couple of macaroons, which are my new favorite cookie/dessert. (Thanks Steph for telling me about them)

Now I have the big decision of what I want for dinner- life is really tough. :)

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, you liked the macaroons! I'm so happy :) I'm so glad you had a good day in Paris - safe travels to London!
