Tuesday, December 14, 2010

England and back to the Netherlands

I'm back in Amsterdam for the last part of my adventure. On Thursday I took the Eurostar to London and spent two days wandering through London. I stayed with my friend from Dickinson who is studying abroad at the LSE. On Thursday night I actually attended an interesting lecture at the school by the commissioner of human rights for the Council of Europe. I got to see some of the sights of London and I went to the National Gallery.

On Saturday, I took a train up to Norwich to stay with Marianh and Brie who are studying abroad with the Dickinson program there at UEA. Norwich was a really cute town, the only downside was that it gets dark at around 3:30pm. We had a lot of fun in Norwich and I actually ran into a lot of Dickinson students on campus earlier today when I was walking around with the girls.

I'm heading back to the USA on Wednesday afternoon. I'm ready to go home and relax for a few weeks before my new semester in Washington, DC starts!


  1. TWC? which program? (I did media & comm last spring - internship wasn't fantastic, and neither was TWC, frankly, but I love the city and the semester was def. worth it! haha)

  2. Yeah! TWC! I'm in Advocacy/Service/Arts.

  3. Nice! Where are you interning? And do you know where you're living? (I will say this much for TWC - the apt.s are awesome! haha) ...if you can, def. apply to be one of their bloggers. I did that last spring - $50/week for 1 post/week. excellent. :)
