Monday, December 06, 2010

Lots of Maroc

At the Mausoleum of Mohammed V in Rabat

The tres amigas in Casablanca

Cous cous, traditional Friday lunch

I'm currently sitting in Burt's cafe in Rabat, Morocco, exhausted after some of the most fun days I've ever had! My experience in Morocco so far has been so much fun! Being in Casablanca on Friday was wild! It is a very pretty city. I couldn't believe how big the Hossan II Mosque was! Seeing Kim and the Dickinson Malaga group was surreal but really nice, even if it was for under 2 hours.

On Friday night Julianne and I took the train to Rabat where her study abroad program is located. I met her host family who are incredibly welcoming and kind. Saturday morning we got a late start but made up for it throughout the day. We visited the Mausoleum of Mohammed V (which is one block away from Julianne's host family), Chellah, ate lunch in the Medina, walked through the Andalusian gardens, walked through the Casba, drank a lot of mint tea, watched the end of a football game at Julianne's friend's house, and ate a fabulous dinner at a restaurant where we waited for two hours to be seated.

Today was also a very busy day. We got up early to go to a place in the city across the river to go 4x4-ing but since the rains last week, the course was unusable. Instead we found this BB gun shooting range in the complex where the quads were and wound up shooting at targets for an hour and a half. Never thought I would do that! Then we went to get some lunch and hung out at cafe that overlooks the Atlantic Ocean. Even though its December, people were still surfing and playing on the beach!

In the afternoon, Julianne brought me to the hammam. The hammam is basically a public bathing place/steam room. Its a traditional practice in Morocco that I'm really glad I did because I've actually never felt so clean in my life.

I'm leaving Rabat in the morning when Julianne heads to school and taking a train to Fez to spend the day. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing Fez and doing some shopping in the Medina where I hear there is some of the best shopping in the country!

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