Sunday, October 24, 2010

Weekend Trip to Uganda

This weekend, four of my friends and I went on a road trip/adventure to Uganda to take a rafting trip at the source of the Nile. Let me tell you, it was AMAZING!!

On Wednesday afternoon, Stephanie, Cassandra, Valerie, Jenna (who is taking the photo above) and I boarded our 3:30pm bus from Arusha to Kampala. In typical African fashion, the bus didn't leave Arusha until 4:15! We drove all the way through Tanzania, Kenya, and finally Uganda, which took 18 hours!
The route we took is in red-- doesn't look too far but the roads are very slow and bumpy.

Once we got to our hostel in Kampala it immediately started raining. And when I say raining I mean pouring like I've never seen it rain before. After experiencing that rain I understood how Uganda is so lush and green!

After eating some lunch and letting the rain storm pass, the five of us took a taxi to what I consider one of the strangest places I have ever visited. Its a beach on Lake Victoria called Aero Beach and there broken down airplanes, camels, and statues of animals on the beach. It was all a little strange and creepy. At least we got to see Lake Victoria.

On Friday morning we got up very early to get picked up by the van to take us to Jinja where we were going to start our rafting the Nile journey! It was about an hour car ride, factoring in the horrible traffic in Kampala but the scenery is beautiful so the hour went by quickly.

I was originally all set to do the "mild" rafting trip but I was the only one in my group who wanted to do it so I was forced into doing the "wild" but now that I think about it I'm happy that I stepped out of my comfort zone. My raft completely flipped 3 times and I still had an absolute blast.

On Saturday we got up early and did some serious shopping in the beautiful craft markets in Kampala. We got back early this morning from another 18 hour bus ride but it was all totally worth it. Back to classes tomorrow morning at 8am :( I wish I could take adventures like this every weekend!

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