Saturday, October 16, 2010

Shopping Spree at the Craft market

Me with my new Obama bag

My friend Stephanie and I went to the craft market this afternoon for a little shopping therapy. Cause we all know, when the going gets tough, the tough go shopping!

I am very happy with my purchases: a bag made out of fabric with Barack Obama's face on it and two beaded bracelets. I have been eyeing the fabric with Obama's face on it for two months and I saw this bag and just had to have it. The bracelets are very crafty and are made out of different types of glass, stones, and bones. Some of the beads are hand painted!

I'm positive I will be back at that craft market several times in the next 6 weeks (ah only 6 weeks left in Tanzania) to buy more from the countless artisans and shopkeepers!

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