Sunday, November 28, 2010

Last full day

Today is my last full day in Arusha. Its a very bitter sweet day for me. This semester has definitely been a lot of fun and I have done some amazing things but I have also faced some serious challenges. The past week I have been trying to take in Arusha with all of my senses so that I could have a really full memory of the city. So here it is: Arusha according to my senses.

Sound: The call to prayer 5 times each day, Kiswahili being spoken everywhere, blasting music from Dala Dalas, cars whizzing by, chirping birds, the sounds of the streets being swept, pick up trucks with full bands in the back playing for a wedding, the songs "Waka Waka" and "Waving Flag"

Sight: Mount Meru, colorful flowers, dirt roads, school children in uniforms, some of the most beautiful people I've ever seen, colorful kangas and kitenges, amazing handicrafts, lots of bicycles

Touch: Dirt/dust, soft fabrics, everyone else's hands who want to shake your's or give you a high five on the street, food such as chipati and ugali in my hands

Smell: spices, maize cooking on the sidewalk, body odor, car exhaust, flowers, Indian food, the birds and turtles at the Natural History Museum, fresh fruits being sold across the street, chai, OMO clothing detergent, hand sanitizer, Swahili food, freshly baked bread

Taste: Ugali, maize, rice, stewed vegetables, beans, chili sauce, dirt, sand, mangos, pineapple, avocado, nyama choma (barbecue), goat meat, chips, sweet potatoes, chipati

1 comment:

  1. I just clicked on your blog to see if you still update and read back through these. This post made me cry. I remember all these things so well. I miss it. xoxo
