Saturday, July 17, 2010

26 days until departure...

As the title of my first blog entry says, I am leaving for Tanzania in 26 days and I thought I would start my travel blog so that I can look back at the end of my time abroad and have some insight into how I have changed.

Right now I am sitting with my mom in the den watching my new favorite show of the summer--The Real Housewives of NJ. Its my guilty pleasure and I've seen every episode of the season. I've been watching so much of this show that I am starting to recognize places in the area that are on the show!

So far, this summer has been very productive and interesting. I finished my internship at MergerWatch this past week and I learned so much about advocacy, communication, and reproductive rights. It was a great experience working with such interesting and intelligent activists. I'm also working at the law firm part time and spending lots time with family and friends.

My favorite part of going on trips is packing! I think I have almost everything together that I need for Tanzania (i.e. shots, visa, clothes, shoes, medications). The next couple weeks will be getting everything finalized and physically put into my luggage. Got a new digital camera today after realizing this week that my former camera no longer works (thanks to a pretty legendary fall during the big snow this past winter) so now I will be able to post some pretty pictures on this blog for my loyal followers to see. I ordered some books about Tanzania and Swahili but I'm still waiting for them to come from Amazon!

I do not know my internet situation yet in Tanzania so I don't know how often I will actually be able to post on this blog but I will try to update as much as I can.

For now I am going to leave you with my favorite photo of the day: my beautiful dog modeling with a beautiful boa like scarf (made by my wonderful cousin Alyse).